Shit, sorry to hear about you're dad. And good luck with quitting smoking!
how are you gentlemen
Age 37, Male
Manchester, UK
Joined on 10/21/02
Shit, sorry to hear about you're dad. And good luck with quitting smoking!
it hasn't happened
it might happen
don't worry about my dad, I have no intention of unloading my problems on other people
Uh, yeah, that's fucking deep and stuff.
deep shit
tell me, did being high make step brothers palatable?
y'know what I paid attention to was quite funny but I was thinking too hard in the second half and it was impossible to pay attention
Faggots smoke fags. Learn from me you shall.
smoking less now, but only because I've had a sore throat and a sinus infection that has been a bitch to get rid of
I discovered that a friend of mine's dad died recently, like a few days ago.
Wait, it's actually possible to trip? I adore Cannabis even more.
As for the whole quitting cigarettes thing, I'm proud of you, and I would suggest you try this quitting-smoking medicine called Champex. My Dad took it, and he was able to quit smoking after smoking for at least 20 years.
Hail Disccordia!
thanks for your advice
and yes, you can trip, you just have to smoke an awful lot very quickly and then embrace whatever introversion comes over you.
I smoke all the time tho and it only happens like once a year that I trip anything worthwhile
no hallucinations either
Om Nom Nom Nom
(weed is better for you than cigs, but both should be used in moderation)
everything should be used in moderation
the delight is in excess
So weed and Jon LaJoe help you kick the cigs, whodathunk.
Good for you man.
officially a non-smoker now
weed is awesome till the voices in your head turn against you =C
maybe that's part of the joy of weed; it motivates you to stop being a lazy bastard. It's like an internal voice you never hear telling you your personality flaws.
I notice as well it's low-quality weed that gives you that unpleasant introspection, high quality weed doesn't do it as much - I think it's the indica/sativa difference largely
You should still smoke cigarettes, you don't want to give up your coolness now do you?
that's a good point
alas they're not quite as cool as I'd like, indeed a lot of people don't like them. I'll probably still smoke them at clubs or when I'm drinking socially.
But indeed I always loved how cool they were. They're good company on a lonely walk, too. And they're something completely socially acceptable that you can look forwards to at any time of the day without major immediate side-effects. Like there were certainly a lot of reasons I enjoyed smoking. But I wasn't actually enjoying them much (or at all) any more, every cigarette was a let down.
Check the long response you got from me there. Man that triggered some cravings. But it was nice to reflect.
On top of the whole health and dying thing, a good reason to quit smoking is the ladies; some girls wont date smokers, but i've never met a girl who wont date someone because they don't smoke.
This argument is remarkably ineffective if your audience isn't interested in dating.
y'know I'm totally over the hump now and there's no particular reason for me to start smoking again, but I still want to. I feel like a different person not smoking. I was the type of person to smoke - I was even the type of person to smoke roll-ups, like I feel a part of that subculture. I actually did smoke when I was very drunk recently and got loads of phone numbers, although I barely remember it because I was very drunk; however I loved it and it was like a great part of the night. But that's how it goes. I've still quit, but I can't make any promises that I'll stay this way forever. But that's the intention, but I can totally see my reasons for starting again.
I have a bad heart too, so I don't smoke weed these days. I only smoked once a while in the past, and a lot of times it just made my heart beat way too fast and it was hard to deal with. My best highs were when I was also drunk. Being drunk helped keep my heart rate down.
I'll never forget the best high I had. Me and a friend drove like 3 blocks to a friends house, and I swear the trip seemed like it took 30 minutes, when he tells me it was a short 5 minute drive. And then we went up to this kid's room, a guy I knew but not very much, and my friend had to leave to go get something so I just hung out. I just sat on this dude's couch watching him play some basketball game on Xbox, doing a bit of chit chat here and there. I don't know what it was, but it was the most mellow high I've ever had.
And yes, stop smoking cigs.
best of luck to you DS, thanks for your comment
sounds like particularly good weed
The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.
There is a myth about such highs: the user has an illusion of great insight, but it does not survive scrutiny in the morning. I am convinced that this is an error, and that the devastating insights achieved when high are real insights; the main problem is putting these insights in a form acceptable to the quite different self that we are when we're down the next day.
if I quit smoking cigarettes largely because of cannabis (admittedly I'd been thinking about quitting a lot more than usual before it but I doubt I would've done it) then it should be society's FAVOURITE drug
I always pay attention to the insight although I know that the insight isn't always accurate; I've had an experience where the insight was 'we should phone for a taxi rather than walk into town cos it'll be cheaper' and it lasted for AGES and I was ONLY THINKING about that in crazy ways and crazy directions and was totally and obviously monging/tripping hard and man that was crazy shit
I didn't think I was addicted to cigarettes until today. I usually just have two to three a day, but I smoked my last pack and now I can't think of anything but smoking. My friend who buys me my smokes is out of town, this makes me pretty nervous. I should probably quit now while I'm still young.
certainly a wise idea.
I kinda had an inkling I was addicted before I went without because I loved them so much and was smoking at the same routine times every day
I Love John Lajoe. Especially Show me your genitals.
your genitaliaaaaa