I loved the ending. It had an almost satirical twist, how the mother just brushes off the bestiality and says that "at least he died doing what he loved."
how are you gentlemen
Age 37, Male
Manchester, UK
Joined on 10/21/02
I loved the ending. It had an almost satirical twist, how the mother just brushes off the bestiality and says that "at least he died doing what he loved."
Thanks, I did like that ending. I don't know how well it works but I'm glad you liked it too.
You are certainly a very excellent story writer.
thank you very much Benjamin, I do try
Holy shit.
Epic win right there.
thanks a lot bro
That was amazing, you know there was a movie made about that type of incident called "Zoo"? Thought you might want to watch that.
I'm most interested in finding the movie 'Freaks'
That was brilliant.
How was it received?
One of the criticisms I'm considering is whether I would be better omitting the first paragraph. Maybe actually the second one is better.
What, no erotic stories?
I think this was quite a good story, and you can't say it wasn't Newgroundesque
*sigh* humans!
'He died doing what he loved'
I see what you did there
if theres a hell, you won't go to it.
you'll go to heaven so god can guilt trip you forever.
man that would funny.
Beautifully written, well done
The Irrelevent NG userlist that you're a part of has now ended. Unless my mind changes there will be no more than 163 usernames and 250 comments.
Your name shall always be on one of the largest user lists in NG history. Thank you for your time.
Loved the ending.
By the way, is that you in the userpic?
Of course
Hell of a good ending there. You write extremely well and I enjoyed reading this.
" <<Unfortunately, these people were very diligent in filming their activities,>> Sortland said of a viewing task detectives have found unpleasant. "
That made me lol pretty hard.
At any rate, hilarity of the ending of the story you wrote aside, the description of the father's anguish was surprisingly saddening and well written.
So basically, if you weren't bent on writing stories were...well, were people end up croaking 'cause they get ass-reamed by stallions, or were they screw their one-legged, deceased grandma's (read THAT one a few years ago), you might come up with some stuff even people who DON'T have a particular taste for necrophilia, bestiality and other such nastiness would enjoy thoroughly.
Question though: is the link for real? I can never tell, with these things...
yeah it's for real
haha thats funny...or is it
I am no horsefucker. O.o
On an extremely serious note: you write about reacting to death with extreme accuracy.
I watch a lot of TV
Wow dude. That was awesome. You do this when you were stoned again? :/
Nice thread you made earlier by the way and this story rocks. Wanna get high sometime? P.S. I live in UK. XP
Beautifully written.
thank you sir