I was just at a mate's house smoking three big spliffs of three different strains when we watched a camera version of Step-Brothers on his PC. I paid attention to the first half, and then when they started talking to the psychiatrists, I started to mong out.
As the John Lajoe song goes:
"You start to feel your heart beating really fast,
And you're convinced that you're gonna have a heart attack,
Have you ever been high as fuck?"
This began occurring to me, and I considered how my dad, who has a weak heart, is suffering from far worse and how he's going to die from it, and it made me think about how much I loved everyone, and how I should quit smoking cigarettes because if I died from lung cancer before my mum died I would feel terrible, and I began to get teary-eyed considering how much I love everyone and how weed is awesome, and to be honest that's the first time I've had a 'weed trip' that is solely focused on how much I love everyone, but that might be because I like to keep it as an overriding emotion.
In conclusion, weed is awesome. And I'm more likely to give up smoking cigarettes now. I kinda was thinking that I don't like the taste of them, but I quite fancy one right now. We'll see what happens.
Transcendent experiences occur on the drugs society disallows.
I Love John Lajoe. Especially Show me your genitals.
your genitaliaaaaa